It's Fall!!!

Author: Miranda /

Yes that's right, It's October 2nd and I believe it is officially fall, at a whopping 40 degrees when we woke up and a forecast of 71 degrees at the warmest today. I love this time of year, cooler weather, sweatshirts, cute sweaters, jeans and light jackets. I have so many more cute fall/winter clothes than i do for summer. Also the colors are just an inspiration for crafting, browns, oranges, deep purples, red's and maroon's, gold, etc. The colors of Harvest are so fun to work with I don't know where to start. I am currently working on a pink and white fun fur scarf in honor of breast cancer awareness month. I have included a picture of my progress so far, now my camera doesn't capture the color that well, but you can get the idea.

Also with fall there are falling leaves and in our back yard falling chesnuts. We have two chestnut trees that haven't produced since we moved in 3 yrs ago and this year we have an over abundance of chestnuts. now if you know chestnuts you know the outer casing for them are spiney and prickley, my boys call them porcipines....well as we were outside yesterday i saw that once again the ground around their swingset was covered, but as they had tennis shoes on they didn't seem to be bothered by it....till JJ fell down, I didn't see exactly where but he came to me saying his knee really really really hurt, so we pulled the leg of his pants up and sure enough he had landed on one of those casings and had little prickers stuck in his knee...6 total...poor thing, I pulled them out, set him on a chair and proceeded to go rake up as much of them as i I have also included a picture of his knee this am, he wanted to document it for yaya. :)

Also we recently purchased a Wii and a Wii Fit board and game...I had talkd to a friend who got it and said she loved it, didnt' even feel like working out. Well the main system also came with sports games, tennis, baseball, golf, bowling, and boxing. Ryan and I decided to try out bowlin the first night we had it and had a blast, we also tried tennis...which i am not so good at and then golf which was pretty fun. Well within a game Connor was imitating what we were doing with bowling so he wanted to try, i made a deal with him that if he had a good day at school the next day i would let him play for 30 min, needless to say he had a good day at school, so after putting JJ down for a nap we fired up the Wii and played...and let me say he is good! almost beat me at bowling, we tried golf..which he didn't care for and baseball which he thought was fun...i believe that for his stocking this year we will be getting him his own Wii I also did the Wii fit the night we got it and is great fun and a good workout, it has yoga, aerobics, balance, strength training. So far i have done yoga, aerobics and balance....I am not so good at balance, but need to practice, but i LOVE the yoga and aerobics, I can def see staying with it.

I am down 25 lbs so far since i started attempting to lose weight about 3 months ago and would love to take off another 25 so wish me luck!

Till next time.....get out and enjoy this weather and the wonderful colors.



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Mother of two boys, military wife, and woman extraordinaire. This revamped blog is just thoughts and tidbits from my head on an occasional basis. Sometimes crafty, sometimes intelligent, and sometimes just plain funny. Friends, family, fun.



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