A Day to Remember and a Sale!

Author: Miranda /

Happy Memorial Day.
Today is a day to reflect on how we became the country we are. Take a moment to remember those that gave their lives for our freedom, those that have fought and lived to tell the tale and those that are still fighting for what we believe in. Know a soldier? Thank them today for their sacrifice to keep our country strong and free. We sometimes take for granted the freedoms that we have. I know I thank my hubby for his service and support him in continuing that service to our country.
For today only take 25% off all items in my shop, simply put Memorial Day Sale in notes to seller to receive the discount, via a refund through paypal.


Monika's Gifts Galore said...

Awesome post, and yes thank you to your hubby and all the others for doing what they do!

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Mother of two boys, military wife, and woman extraordinaire. This revamped blog is just thoughts and tidbits from my head on an occasional basis. Sometimes crafty, sometimes intelligent, and sometimes just plain funny. Friends, family, fun.



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